Any Questions?

Do you have a question that you would like to put to Mark? If so, why not drop him an e-mail. You should also make the time to visit Mark's web site.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Postal Votes

Phil C from Winnersh e-mailed us to ask about postal voting, and what he needs to do to register.

Well Phil, it could not be simpler. Postal voting is a method of letting you cast your vote in an election using a ballot paper that is sent to you in advance of the election. You may then place your vote and return the ballot paper by post.

The system is of benefit to people who may not be able to attend a polling station in person, perhaps because of a physical disability, being on holiday or travelling because of work commitments.

Anyone can register for a postal vote. If you have a printer, an envelope and a stamp, the easist way to register for a postal vote is by visiting the about my vote website, entering your postcode and completing the on-line form. Once you have done that, you can print out the form, sign it and pop it in the post to the Electorial Services folks.

Electoral Services
Wokingham Borough Council
Civic Offices
Shute End
Wokingham RG40 1WH

Telephone: 0118-974-6522 or 0118-974-6523


  1. Mohanamba MistryMarch 05, 2010 2:48 am

    Dear Mr Ashwell. I have only recently moved to Mortimer and understand through my registration to vote that we are part of Wokingham for the purpose of the election that will be held very soon. I have been researching this forthcoming general election and the candidates that I may have the chance to consider but have found very little information so far. I have two questions that I would like to ask you to consider. The first is could you tell me the date of the general election? The second is about the conservative party, and I see from the local paper that you have been expelled from it. I hope that you can take time to consider these matters and reply to me. Mohana.

  2. Mohana

    I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my blog and more importantly, taking the time to think about who you are going to vote for before turning up at the polling station. I only hope that there are a lot of people out there who take the time to consider matters as well as you do.

    You have raised a couple of issues that really deserve separate blogs item to be started and prompted me to deal with another matter concerning the Wokingham constituency itself.

    But the one point I can answer here in this response is the date of the General Election. The simple answer is that we are still not sure. The feeling late last week was that Mr Brown would go along to Buckingham Palace this past Monday and seek the approval of the Queen to put the motions in place for the election to be held on May 6 – the same date as the locals. Whilst this date still seems to be the most likely, it could be pushed out as late as June 10.

    I will fire off a couple of blogs to address the other issues that you have bought up as soon as I can.

    Thank you for your efforts and I hope that we can convince you that voting for me when the chance arises is the right thing to do.

